In this post we'll look at writing a RESTful service using Duct and compojure-api. Our service will use a SQLite database and illustrate how to do operations such as adding, remove, and authenticating users.
Duct is a minimal web framework with emphasis on using component to manage stateful resources such as database connections. We can create a new Duct application by running the following command:
lein new duct swagger-service +example
This will generate a fresh application and add an example route component to it. Once the application is created we'll have to run the setup
task to generate local assets in the root folder of the application:
cd swagger-service
lein setup
We can now test that our application works as follows:
lein run
If everything went well then we should be able to navigate to localhost:3000
and see Hello World
displayed on the page. We're now ready to start working on creating our service.
We'll start by adding some dependencies in project.clj
that we'll need in order to create our service:
[crypto-password "0.1.3"]
[metosin/compojure-api "0.23.1"]
[org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc ""]
[yesql "0.5.0"]
[migratus "0.8.4"]]
We'll use crypto-password
to handle password hashing when we create user accounts and checking passwords during authentication. The compojure-api
library will be used to generate the service endpoints. The sqlite-jdbc
driver will be used as our data store, we'll access it using yesql
, and we'll generate the database using migratus
Let's add the migratus
plugin along with its configuration to our project:
:plugins [[lein-environ "1.0.1"]
[lein-gen "0.2.2"]
[migratus-lein "0.1.7"]]
:migratus {:store :database
:db {:classname "org.sqlite.JDBC"
:connection-uri "jdbc:sqlite:service-store.db"}}
We can now run the following commands to generate the migration files for the users
mkdir resources/migrations
lein migratus create users
This will produce files for up
and down
migrations such as:
The up
migrations file will create the table:
first_name VARCHAR(30),
last_name VARCHAR(30),
email VARCHAR(30),
admin BOOLEAN,
last_login TIME,
is_active BOOLEAN,
pass VARCHAR(100));
Conversely, the down
migrations file will delete it:
We can now run the following command to create the database:
lein migratus migrate
With the database created, we'll need to add some queries to access the database. We'll create a new file called resources/sql/queries.sql
and put the following SQL queries in it:
-- name: create-user!
-- creates a new user record
(id, first_name, last_name, email, pass)
VALUES (:id, :first_name, :last_name, :email, :pass)
-- name: get-user
-- retrieve a user given the id.
WHERE id = :id
-- name: get-users
-- retrieve a user given the id.
SELECT id, first_name, last_name, email FROM users
-- name: delete-user!
-- delete a user given the id
WHERE id = :id
Now, let's create a component that will be used to access it. We'll create a new namespace called swagger-service.component.db
then put the following code there:
(ns swagger-service.component.db
(:require [yesql.core :refer [defqueries]]
[com.stuartsierra.component :as component]
[crypto.password.bcrypt :as password]
[environ.core :refer [env]]))
(defqueries "sql/queries.sql")
(defn create-user-account! [user db]
(create-user! (update user :pass password/encrypt) db))
(defn authenticate [user db]
(when-let [db-user (-> user (get-user db) first)]
(password/check (:pass user) (:pass db-user)))))
(defrecord DbComponent [connection]
(start [component]
(assoc component :connection connection))
(stop [component]
(dissoc component :connection)))
(defn db-component [connection]
(->DbComponent connection))
The namespace will define query functions by calling the defqueries
macro and giving it the path to the queries.sql
file we just created.
Then we'll add a couple of helper functions to create a user account with a hashed password and to check whether the user and the password match the stored credentials.
Next, we define the DbComponent
record that will manage the lifecycle of the database. The start
function in the component will associate the given connection settings with the :connection
key in the component, and the stop
function will remove the connection.
The connection is specified in the swagger-service.config
namespace and points to the connection-uri
key that is expected to be found in the environment.
(def environ
{:http {:port (some-> env :port Integer.)}
:db {:connection-uri (:connection-uri env)}})
We'll add the actual connection information under the :env
key in profiles.clj
;; Local profile overrides
{:profiles/dev {:env {:connection-uri "jdbc:sqlite:service-store.db"}}
:profiles/test {}}
Finally, we have a helper function to instantiate the component called db-component
With the component created we can now add it to the system found in the swagger-service.system
(ns swagger-service.system
(:require ...
[swagger-service.component.db :refer [db-component]]))
(defn new-system [config]
(let [config (meta-merge base-config config)]
(-> (component/system-map
:db (db-component (:db config))
:app (handler-component (:app config))
:http (jetty-server (:http config))
:example (endpoint-component example-endpoint))
{:http [:app]
:app [:example]
:example []
:db []}))))
The final step is to add the service endpoint that will provide the RESTful interface to the database. We'll create a new namespace called swagger-service.endpoint.service
. The namespace will use the compojure-api
library to define the service operations. The library requires us to declare the types of request parameters and responses for each endpoint using the schema library.
Let's start by creating the namespace declaration with the following references:
(ns swagger-service.endpoint.service
(:require [ :as io]
[ring.util.http-response :refer :all]
[compojure.api.sweet :refer :all]
[schema.core :as s]
[swagger-service.component.db :as db]))
Then we'll create the schema for the User type that matches the user table in our database:
(s/defschema User
{:id String
(s/optional-key :first_name) String
(s/optional-key :last_name) String
(s/optional-key :email) String
(s/optional-key :pass) String})
Finally, let's create the service-endpoint
component that will define the service routes. The component accepts the config
as its parameter. The config will contain the :db
key that we added to our system earlier with the database connection.
The routes are created by calling the api
macro from compojure-api
(defn service-endpoint [config]
{:info {:title "User API"}})
(context* "/api" []
:tags ["users"]
(GET* "/users" []
:return [User]
:summary "returns the list of users"
(ok (db/get-users {} (:db config))))
(GET* "/user/:id" []
:return User
:path-params [id :- String]
:summary "returns the user with a given id"
(ok (db/get-users {:id id} (:db config))))
(POST* "/authenticate" []
:return Boolean
:body-params [user :- User]
:summary "authenticates the user using the id and pass."
(ok (db/authenticate user (:db config))))
(POST* "/user" []
:return Long
:body-params [user :- User]
:summary "creates a new user record."
(ok (db/create-user-account! user (:db config))))
(DELETE* "/user" []
:return Long
:body-params [id :- String]
:summary "deletes the user record with the given id."
(ok (db/delete-user! {:id id} (:db config)))))))
Notice that we call ring.swagger.ui/swagger-ui
and swagger-docs
at the beginning of the definition of api
. This will automatically produce the API documentation for the service operations defined within it. Once our service is hooked up, we'll be able to navigate to localhost:3000/swagger-ui
and see an interactive page for testing the API endpoints.
As you may have noticed, compojure-api
mimics Compojure route definitions with the difference that the route method name has a *
after it. The route definition also has some additional keys associated with it.
key specifies the return type for the service operation:summary
key provides the documentation about the purpose of the operation:path-params
and :body-params
.Finally, each route will return a response type with the result of calling the handler associated with it.
If we look at the "/users"
route we see that it calls the get-users
function from the database and passes it the value of the :db
key from the config. This will be used to resolve the database connection at runtime.
With the route added we can now navigate back to the swagger-service.system
namespace and add the component there:
(ns swagger-service.system
(:require ...
[swagger-service.component.db :refer [db-component]]
[swagger-service.endpoint.service :refer [service-endpoint]]))
(defn new-system [config]
(let [config (meta-merge base-config config)]
(-> (component/system-map
:db (db-component (:db config))
:app (handler-component (:app config))
:http (jetty-server (:http config))
:example (endpoint-component example-endpoint)
:service (endpoint-component service-endpoint))
{:http [:app]
:app [:example :service]
:service [:db]
:example []
:db []}))))
The service component is initialized using the endpoint-component
Duct helper. Next, the component relationships have to be described explicitly. We can see that the :service
component depends on the :db
component, and the :app
in turn depends on both the :example
and the :service
We can now restart our app and navigate to localhost:3000/swagger-ui
to see the service test page. Using this page we can test all the service operations that we defined such as creating new users, authenticating, and listing users.
The full source for this tutorial is available on GitHub.
As you can see, compojure-api
allows us to easily define RESTful services with type assertions, documentation, and a helpful test page. I've found this approach to be extremely effective when creating service APIs as it documents what each endpoint is doing and makes it easy to collaborate with consumers of the service. Meanwhile, Duct provides an excellent base for building services using the component pattern.