There are many situations where the application needs to react to changes in the data. The simplest way to handle this requirement is to keep state in the server session. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to scale applications horizontally, and can incur additional memory requirements.
A common solution to this problem is to use an external queue service that each instance of the application subscribes to. However, this adds a new component to the architecture that needs to be maintained.
A less known option is to use Postgres NOTIFY command to send push notifications from the database. This allows multiple instances of the application can subscribe directly to the database to listen for events.
This post will walk you through configuring a Luminus app to listen for Postgres notification, and broadcast them to the connected clients over a WebSocket.
Let's start by creating a new project for our app:
lein new luminus pg-feed-demo +postgres +re-frame
The first step is to create a schema for the app, and set the connection URL in the profiles.clj
, e.g:
Once the schema is ready, we can write a migrations script that creates a table called events
, and sets up a notification trigger on it. Let's run the following command in the project root folder to create the migration files:
lein migratus create events-table
Next, add the following script as the up
event TEXT);
CREATE FUNCTION notify_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS $$
-- TG_TABLE_NAME - name of the table that was triggered
-- TG_OP - name of the trigger operation
-- NEW - the new value in the row
execute 'NOTIFY '
|| ', '''
|| TG_OP
|| ' '
|| NEW
|| '''';
execute 'NOTIFY '
|| ', '''
|| TG_OP
|| '''';
return new;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER event_trigger
function will broadcast a notification with the table name, the operation, and the parameters when available. The event_trigger
will run it whenever insert
, update
, or delete
operations are performed on the messages
We'll also add the down
migration for posterity:
DROP FUNCTION notify_trigger() CASCADE;
DROP TABLE events;
We can now run migrations as follows:
lein run migrate
Let's open the resources/sql/queries.sql
file and replace the default queries with the following:
-- :name event! :! :n
-- :doc insert a new event
INSERT INTO events (event) VALUES (:event)
Unfortunately, the official Postgres JDBC driver cannot receive asynchronous notifications, and uses polling to check if any notifications were issued. Instead, we'll use the pgjdbc-ng driver that provides support for many Postgres specific features, including async notifications. Let's update our app to use this driver instead by swapping the dependency in project.clj
;[org.postgresql/postgresql "9.4.1211"]
[com.impossibl.pgjdbc-ng/pgjdbc-ng "0.6"]
Let's open up the pg-feed-demo.db.core
namespace and update it to fit our purposes. Since we're no longer using the official Postgres driver, we'll need to update the namespace declaration to remove any references to it. We'll also add the import for the PGNotificationListener
class that will be used to add listeners to the connection. To keep things simple, we'll also remove any protocol extensions declared there. The resulting namespace should look as follows:
(ns pg-feed-demo.db.core
[cheshire.core :refer [generate-string parse-string]]
[ :as jdbc]
[conman.core :as conman]
[pg-feed-demo.config :refer [env]]
[mount.core :refer [defstate]])
(defstate ^:dynamic *db*
:start (conman/connect! {:jdbc-url (env :database-url)})
:stop (conman/disconnect! *db*))
(conman/bind-connection *db* "sql/queries.sql")
In order to add a notification listener, we first have to create a connection. Let's create a Mount defstate
called notifications-connection
to hold it:
(defstate notifications-connection
:start (jdbc/get-connection {:connection-uri (env :database-url)})
:stop (.close notifications-connection))
Next, we'll add functions that will allow us to add and remove listeners for a given connection:
(defn add-listener [conn id listener-fn]
(let [listener (proxy [PGNotificationListener] []
(notification [chan-id channel message]
(listener-fn chan-id channel message)))]
(.addNotificationListener conn listener)
{:connection notifications-connection}
(str "LISTEN " (name id)))
(defn remove-listener [conn listener]
(.removeNotificationListener conn listener))
Let's start the application by running lein run
in the terminal. Once it starts, the nREPL will become available at localhost:7000
. When the REPL is connected, run the following code in it to start the database connection and register a listener:
(require :reload 'pg-feed-demo.db.core)
(in-ns 'pg-feed-demo.db.core)
(fn [& args]
(apply println "got message:" args)))
We can now test that adding a new message produces the notification:
(event! {:event "hello world"})
One the function runs, we should see something like the following printed in the terminal as the message is added to the database:
got message: 32427 messages INSERT (0,"hello world")
We're now ready to setup the WebSocket connection that will be used to push notifications to the clients. We'll update the pg-feed-demo.routes.home
namespace to look as follows:
(ns pg-feed-demo.routes.home
(:require [pg-feed-demo.layout :as layout]
[compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET]]
[pg-feed-demo.db.core :as db]
[mount.core :refer [defstate]]
[immutant.web.async :as async]
[ :as log]))
(defstate channels
:start (atom #{}))
(defstate ^{:on-reload :noop} event-listener
:start (db/add-listener
(fn [_ _ message]
(doseq [channel @channels]
(async/send! channel message))))
:stop (db/remove-listener
(defn persist-event! [_ event]
(db/event! {:event event}))
(defn connect! [channel]
(log/info "channel open")
(swap! channels conj channel))
(defn disconnect! [channel {:keys [code reason]}]
(log/info "close code:" code "reason:" reason)
(swap! channels #(remove #{channel} %)))
(defn home-page []
(layout/render "home.html"))
(defroutes home-routes
(GET "/" []
(GET "/events" request
{:on-open connect!
:on-close disconnect!
:on-message persist-event})))
The channels
state will contain a set of all the channels for the currently connected clients.
The event-listener
will create a new listener that's triggered when events are stored in the database. The handler function will broadcast each event to all the connected clients. Note that we need ^{:on-reload :noop}
metadata on the listener to prevent it being registered multiple times in case the namespace is reloaded during development.
Whenever the server receives a message from a client, the message will be persisted to the database by the persist-event!
Finally, we'll create the /events
route that will be used to manage WebSocket communication with the clients.
The client will need to track the currently available messages, allow the user to send new messages to the server, and update the available messages based on server WebSocket notifications.
Let's run Figwheel to start the ClojureScript compiler before we start working on the client-side code by running the following command:
lein figwheel
Once Figwheel compiler starts, navigate to http://localhost:3000 in the browser to load the client-side of the application.We'll start by adding a handler for adding messages in the pg-feed-demo.handlers
(fn [db [_ event]]
(update db :events (fnil conj []) event)))
Next, we'll add a corresponding subscription to see the current messages in the pg-feed-demo.subscriptions
(fn [db _]
(:events db)))
We can now add a
namespace to manage the client-side of the WebSocket connection:
(defonce ws-chan (atom nil))
(defn send
(if @ws-chan
(.send @ws-chan message)
(throw (js/Error. "Websocket is not available!"))))
(defn connect-ws [url handler]
(if-let [chan (js/WebSocket. url)]
(set! (.-onmessage chan) #(-> % .-data handler))
(reset! ws-chan chan))
(throw (js/Error. "Websocket connection failed!"))))
Finally, we'll update the pg-feed-demo.core
namespace to list incoming events and allow the user to generate an event. To do that, We'll update the namespace to look as follows:
(ns pg-feed-demo.core
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[re-frame.core :as rf]
[ :as ws]))
(defn home-page []
[:div.card-header>h4 "Events"]
(for [event @(rf/subscribe [:events])]
^{:key event}
[:li event])]]
{:on-click #(ws/send (str "user event " (js/Date.)))}
"generate event"]])
(defn mount-components []
(r/render [#'home-page] (.getElementById js/document "app")))
(defn init! []
(rf/dispatch-sync [:initialize-db])
(str "ws://" (.-host js/location) "/events")
#(rf/dispatch [:event %]))
That's all there is to it. We should now be able to send events to the server and see the notifications in the browser. We should also be able to generate events by running queries directly in the database, or in another instance of the application.
The complete source for the project is available here.